Thursday, March 15, 2012

Morning-after pill leads to increased abortions in Spain

New data from Spain's Ministry of Health shows that since the morning-after pill has been made available without a prescription, abortions have risen 1.3 percent in the country.

The figure was outlined by Javier Fernandez-Lasquetty, a health adviser to the Community of Madrid, during a full session of the Madrid Assembly on March 8.

Lasquetty, who said the Community of Madrid distributed the pill according to the law, noted that since it has been made available without a prescription in 2009, abortions have risen 1.3 percent – an increase of 1,150 abortions – in Spain.

He also noted that the current Minister of Health, Ana Mato, has commissioned a study on the pill and has insisted that the issue is not “ideological or moral or anything else but scientific.” 

She said the Ministry will wait for the results of the study before making any further decisions.